
[EU] SCUM hunting vanilla FPS Only

Serveur Scum

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[EU] SCUM hunting vanilla FPS Only

IP Server:

The Server is in FPS Only Full PVP

- Loot x 1

- No player drone

- Low metabolism and items decay.

- Respawn : Vanilla

- Squad members & Intel : 

1->4, 2->6, 3->8, 4->10, 5->12.

- Free Build

- 62 Vehicles 

- 1 airdrop by hour

All other server settings are vanilla to provide you the best and real scum experience. 

IMPORTANT : Not a single discord admin or the server owner have admin rights on the server. We have 2 dedicated accounts used only for administration task and without any player character. 

This is a place where you'll suffer, die, and try to survive hostile players, don't except pity, don't except anything else than fun in death.


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