

Serveur Rust

Fiche serveur

n°903 0

Caractéristiques du serveur

6 votes
617 clics

Serveur avec accès public



/info : server informations & commands

/kit : open kits list (VIP Kit check #vip-shop )

/clan : create a clan (limited 5 man clan)

/home add <name> : saves your current position as the location name. (home limit 6)
/home list : shows you a list of all the locations you have saved.
/home remove <name> : removes the location of your saved homes.
/home <name> : teleports you to the home location.

/tpr <player name> : sends a teleport request to the player.
/tpa : accepts an incoming teleport request.
/tpc : cancel teleport or request.

/bgrade 0 : disable BGrade
/bgrade 1 : enable automatic Wood upgrades
/bgrade 2 : enable automatic Stone upgrades
/bgrade 3 : enable automatic Metal upgrades
/bgrade 4 : enable automatic Armoured upgrades

/backpack : open your own backpack

/remove : remove something

/newlift : add elevator (max 15 Floors)

/vote : vote for our server and get reward 80RP per vote for use in game shop

/pc :  players challenges rank

/s : open shop

/skin : open skins inventory (You can apply skins while typing "/skin" while holding the item in your hands !)

/skin shop : open skins shop (All skins are free)

/spawncar : spwan car on your position

/dtd :  dangerous treasures event

/sil <img url> : put image on sign


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