
[EU/FR] Rust Fanatiks PvE | ItemPerks | SkillTree | Events |

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Welcome to Rust Fanatiks PvE

Raidable player base if 3 days of inactivity / Monthly Wipe / BackPack / Shop / Skins


Mods & Events :

- Skill Tree (Adds a character progression system across multiple skill trees)

- Items Perks (Upgrade weapons, tools and armor with over 50 different types of perks)

- Boss Monster (Adds a variety of NPC bosses with different abilities to the game)

- Better Npc (Many NPCs will be added to the map, in all the rads and will be ready to fight with you)

- NPC Random Raid (Scientists may randomly raid your base if you attack them anywhere on the map or may come back to attack you while you are raiding a base, be careful)  

- Raidable Bases (5 Levels of difficulty)

- Convoy (An armed convoy roams the map / 4 Difficulty levels)

- Armored Train (An armed train is roaming the map / 3 Difficulty levels)

- Shipwreck ( Visit the depths of the ocean to discover 3 new locations included : a sunken freighter, a submerged ore farm and a wrecked barge)

- Space (Visit a cold atmospheric space, devoid of gravity and oxygen, and visit an internal space station)

- Sputnik (Satellite fragments crashing on the map)

- Water Event (A submarine awaits you offshore, overflowing with surprises, it us juste waiting for you to discover its secrets.. All aboard !)

- RadTown Event (This dynamic event spawns a dangerous shipping container filled with valuable loot but surrounded by dangerous radioactive material)

- Airfield Event (A cargo plane lands at the airfield and drops parachutes and crates)

- Drone Event (Drones fly over supermarkets and gas stations ready to shoot)

- Zombies (Hordes of 15 to 30 zombies roam the map thirsty for blood)

For all other information please go to the discord !

Have a good time on the server ! :) 


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Staff du serveur

« Très bon serveur, les admins sont dispo et a l'écoute ! Ils n'hésitent pas à donner un coup de main au besoin. Des Events régulier et inédit, de nombreux plugins. Je commande à 100% pour tout niveau »
Staff du serveur

« un staff a l'écoute extrêmement disponible pour la communauté je recommande vivement !!! »