

Serveur Rust

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n°124 0

Caractéristiques du serveur

303 votes
1176 clics

Serveur avec accès public


Hi, feel free to join BIKINI Abandoned Island, a French Rust server proposing monthly a new custom map! Friendly - PVE - Advanced crafting and Mixing table - lot of surprises and rewards - Bank and NPC vendors...

Welcome to our PVE Server EU ! EN/FR
• Custom maps to explore each month
• Well configured plugins for a comfortable play
• Kits and vote rewards for an enjoyable start
• Real survival : zombies, hordes, custom monuments, NPCs and more
• Constant action or build and chill at homes
• Friendly community and CoOp
• Monthly map and BPs wipe, experience remains eternal
• PvE mechanics, plugins and all terrains events
• Extended crafting system, check your workbench and mixing table
• Playing admins, a server designed for players by players
• Any questions ? Chat in game or hit our Discord :
• Continuous improvements ...


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