
Creature Realm

Serveur Minecraft

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Creature Realm is home to all the charm and adventure of a vanilla survival server, while being a bit more user friendly. We're a creature themed server, with ranks ranging from lowly Zombies all the way up to fearsome Werewolves!

Our staff is few, but mature and willing to help if you need it. The rules are fairly basic and common sense. We wouldn't want to restrict a persons freedom to have fun with unnecessary rules. Although we are creature themed, but there is no building theme. Feel free to build whatever you like. :)

Donation perks are all useful but not overpowered! We like to reward donators with useful commands in game, but not to the point where it's unfair to other players who are unable to donate. Perks include spawn egg kits, elevators, teleporters and much more. 

Main plugins include:

- Towny (Peaceful. No Wartime)
- RandomPort (Get teleported to a random location in the world!)
- BOSEcnomy
- SignShop
- DwarfForge
- CraftBook
- VirtualPack (Portable furnace, workbench, chest, and enchanting table!)
- Many more! Come and see! :)


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